Are you looking for a way to manage your money in a way that is ethical, transparent, and aligned with your faith?

If so, you might want to consider Islamic banking in Malaysia. Islamic banking is a form of financial system that operates according to the principles of Shariah, or Islamic law. Unlike conventional banking, Islamic banking does not involve interest, gambling, or uncertainty, which are prohibited in Islam. Instead, Islamic banking is based on the concept of profit-sharing, risk-sharing, and social responsibility.
If you are interested in Islamic banking in Malaysia, here are some of the products and services that you can choose from:
Creating an Islamic Savings Account
A deposit account that pays profit to the customer based on the principle of mudarabah or profit-sharing. The customer provides capital and the bank provides management, and they share the profit according to a pre-agreed ratio. The customer can withdraw his or her money at any time without penalty.
Participating in Takaful
A form of insurance that is based on the principle of mutual cooperation and assistance. The participants contribute to a pool of funds that is used to pay for claims arising from specified events. The surplus of the pool is distributed among the participants or reinvested for future benefits. Takaful can cover various types of risks, such as life, health, property, and motor.

Joining in an Islamic Investment
A form of investment that is based on the principle of musharakah (joint venture) or ijarah (leasing). The investor and the investee share the profits and losses according to their respective shares or agreed terms. The investment must be in Shariah-compliant activities and assets, such as sukuk (Islamic bonds), shariah-compliant stocks, Islamic funds (unit trusts), and Islamic derivatives.
Islamic Personal Financing
A form of financing that is based on the principle of murabahah (cost-plus-profit sale) or istisna’ (construction contract). The bank sells an asset or service to the customer at a mark-up price, with deferred payment terms. The asset or service must be Shariah-compliant and beneficial to the customer.

E zakat Contribution
A form of online payment for zakat, which is an obligatory charity that Muslims have to pay annually based on their wealth. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and aims to purify one’s wealth and help the needy. E zakat allows customers to pay their zakat conveniently and securely through various channels, such as online banking, mobile banking, ATM, or kiosk.
Shariah-Compliant Unit Trust
A form of collective investment scheme that pools funds from investors and invests them in a portfolio of Shariah-compliant assets. The unit trust manager manages the portfolio according to the objectives and strategies of the fund. The investors receive units that represent their proportionate share of the fund’s assets and income.
Islamic banking in Malaysia offers many benefits to you as customers who seek ethical, transparent, and socially responsible financial solutions. It also contributes to the economic growth and stability of the country by diversifying its sources of funding and enhancing its resilience to shocks. By adhering to the principles and practices of Shariah, Islamic banking in Malaysia aims to achieve not only financial returns but also spiritual rewards.